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Heartbleed Bug Update

Dear valued customer,

We recently learned about a serious vulnerability in OpenSSL Certificates, known as the Heartbleed
Bug. This vulnerability has existed for more than two years, and compromises the security of passwords, credit cards, and other sensitive information. Since this has widespread implications on the Internet, we wanted to inform you of this issue and assure you that NeedName.com (eNom Technology Partner) makes every effort to keep our systems patched to limit the impact of security vulnerabilities.

Updates have been made to our systems to ensure that we remain unaffected by this vulnerability. If you are running your own systems with OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 through 1.0. 1f, your system is vulnerable and we suggest upgrading to a more recent version.

Although NeedName.com (eNom Technology Partner) was unaffected by the Heartbleed bug, as a precaution, we recommend that all NeedName.com users change their account passwords; especially if you use the same login information for other services.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team via email Support @ NeedName.com or leave us a voice message at 571-249-1001.

More details about the Hearbleed bug, continue reading at Heartbleed.com website.

Support, NeedName.com

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